
Installing Chado

First you will need database software, or Relational Database Management System (RDBMS). The recommended RDBMS for Chado currently is Postgres. Postgres is free software, usually used on a Unix operating system such as Linux or Mac OS X. You can also install Postgres, and Chado, on Windows but most Chado installations are found on some version of Unix - you’ll probably get the best support by choosing Unix. (See Databases and GMOD for more discussion.) Once you’ve installed your RDBMS you can install Chado.

Download a Stable Release of Chado

See Downloads

Chado From SVN

You can get the most up-to-date, not even released yet, version of Chado from Subversion. To get a copy of the latest Chado source, enter this at the command line:

svn co

Once the package has been downloaded cd to the trunk/chado directory.

Follow the instructions in the INSTALL.Chado file, including the installation of the prerequisites. Or, read the file online.

Loading Data

After completing these steps, you can load your Chado schema with data in a number of ways:

Load RefSeq into Chado HOWTO Load GFF into Chado HOWTO Using XORT

You can also use the application Apollo to curate data in Chado.